[同义词辨析] 2017-11-09 明显evident-clear
evident: implies the presence of visible signs which point to a definite conclusion: an ~ fondness for the company of friends.
manifest: implies an external display so evident that little or no inference is required: her ~ joy upon receiving the award.
patent: applies to a cause, effect or significant feature that is clear and unmistakable once attention has been drawn to it: ~ defects in the item when sold.
distinct: implies such sharpness of outline or definition that no unusual effort to see or hear or comprehend is required: my offer met with a ~ refusal.
obvious: implies such ease in discovering or accounting for that it often suggests conspicuousness in the thing or little need for perspicacity in the observer: the motives are ~ to all but the most obtuse.
apparent: may imply conscious exercise of elaborate reasoning as well as inference from evidence: the absurdity of the charge is ~ to all who know him. 注意inference只有一个r
plain: not explained. 韦氏同义词典列出了plain,但遗漏解释,plain常表示没有装饰或隐藏很明白,如plaintext明文是ciphertext密文反义词,plain clothes便衣,plain English/language表示语言浅显易懂
clear: implies an absence of anything that confuses the mind or obscures the issues: it's ~ now what's been going on.
evident: manifest: patent: distinct: obvious: apparent: plain: clear:
记忆方法: 1)首字母EMPDOAPC重组成OPEC DAMP欧佩克减弱<==明显的趋势 欧佩克是石油输出国组织Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries的首字母简称 damp潮湿,做动词表示减弱to make less strong or active,如nothing could damp our spirits没有什么能减弱我们的精神力量
最通用的是clear, evidence强调存在迹象,manifest和apparent一个强调不需要一个需要推理,patent只要注意就不会看错,distinct:锐利的轮廓不难听见看见,obvious容易发现解释,
2)明显的意思是容易感知领会mean readily perceived or apprehended. perceive感知觉察,强调观察的同时感悟理解 apprehend逮捕、理解、领会